DIY Floral Gift Wrap

Welcome back Creators! Are you looking for an easy way to glam up a floral arrangement you’re giving as a gift?! Here’s five simple steps to wrapping a flower bouquet for a special occasion!

The things you will need are..
  • a flower bouquet, I arranged my bouquet with the flowers from my mother's garden but you can purchase prearrange bouquets from your local grocery store, flower shop, or farmers market flower vendors.
  • paper or newspaper, scrap paper.
  • plastic bag, medium size.
  • water, 1 cup.
  • gift wrap tissue paper, any color of your choice, I chose gold.
  • scissors
  • ribbon, any color of your choice, I chose gold.
  • gift wrap paper, any color of your choice, I chose black.
STEP 1: Wrap the paper or newspaper around the stems of the bouquet. I prefer using newspaper but didn't have any at the moment. You want to do this so the stems will not poke a hole in the plastic bag with water. 

STEP 2: Pour 1 cup of water into a medium plastic bag then place the bouquet stems in the bag. You want to gather the water and stem to one end of the bag so the stems are submerged in the water.

STEP 3: Unfold gift wrap tissue paper and lay the color side facing up. Match the top of bouquet to the top of the tissue paper. Fold the tissue paper where the bottom stems touch. From the bottom middle cut 1/3 up to the center. Repeat again, you will need two pieces of tissue paper. Place the bouquet in the middle of one of the tissue papers matching the top of the bouquet to the top of the tissue paper and wrap both ends. Then with the other piece of tissue paper rotate the bouquet 45 degrees and wrap both ends in.

STEP 4: With your gift wrap paper cut out 2 pieces to the size of your bouquet. Now cut 1/3 up to the center from the bottom middle of the paper. Place the bouquet in the middle of one of the papers matching the top of the bouquet to the top of the paper and wrap both ends. Then with the other piece of paper rotate the bouquet 45 degrees and wrap both ends in.

STEP 5: Now place the wrapped bouquet onto something to tilt it upward so the water won't leak out. Cut a piece of ribbon long enough to tie a bow around the stems. Cut out a piece of gift wrap paper and wrap it around the stems of the bouquet, then tie the ribbon and make a bow.
Watch me create this floral gift wrap idea here!

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